Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our Little-BIG Man

You are now amazing us more than ever before. Some of the things you do or say shocks us. I just cannot believe that our little man is such a big boy these days. You now completely dress yourself in the mornings then rush to the bathroom to brush your teeth & spit out the tooth paste like Daddy does :) You're a mess! We love you more than we ever thought possible. You remind us every day of the joy you continue to bring us. You are so very smart too. You love counting, in fact you find it necessary to count just about anything & everything. You have become pretty fascinated with time as well. Always asking, "What time is it?" You still have a little trouble with days though, you like to refer to everything in the past as last year instead of yesterday, last week, ect. Which we of course find pretty adorable! We haven't had too many late nights due to your feet hurting lately & I pray we don't ever again. There for a while we were up with them hurting just about every night & the entire night for the most part. It really kills us to see you hurting like that. Pretty sure you are hitting a growth spurt though, you've been taking in way more food than I would think that little body could hold! You are still one skinny little thing, but getting taller everyday. Just a couple weeks ago when we had our first cool morning I went to put a pair of blue jeans on you (your only pair actually) & they were about 2 inches too short! We decided a trip to the Mall was in need :) You are one special little boy Drake Allen & Mommy & Daddy sure do love you....actually, I love you to the moon & back buddy :) You are my very best friend!